Nonlinear Mathematical Model in Torus Representation Explains the Elliptical Planetary Orbits and the Cycle of Precession of Our Sun


  • Maria Kuman


why elliptical orbits; nonlinear mathematical model; torus representation; powerful external perturbation; sagittarius dwarf galaxy


The whole material world is a material body and a torus-shaped nonlinear electromagnetic field (NEMF). This explains why the torus in the nonequilibrium theory is the tri-dimensional attractor to which the NEMF of the whole material world (alive and not alive) adhere. Torus-shaped is the NEMF of: our Sun (as well as all stars), our Earth, man, plants, etc. For this reason, nonlinear mathematical model was used in torus representation, in which the equations have simplest form, and which has geometrical presentation. This geometrical presentation shows clearly that only external perturbation can elongate the circular orbits of the planets into ellipses. Since in the search of other inhabited planets it was found that all planetary orbits in our galaxy were ellipses, the disturber must be of galactic origin. Astronomical observations found that an intruder galaxy, which our galaxy swallowed long time ago, still orbits (the Black Hole weighing millions of solar masses and the leftover stars) around the center of our galaxy: 1/ This disturbs all the stars and planets in the galaxy. 2/ This makes the axis of spinning of all the stars in the galaxy, including our Sun, to wobble (called cycle of precession) in synchrony with the orbiting of this intruder galaxy around the center of our galaxy.

How to Cite

Maria Kuman. (2019). Nonlinear Mathematical Model in Torus Representation Explains the Elliptical Planetary Orbits and the Cycle of Precession of Our Sun. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, 19(A10), 15–18. Retrieved from

Nonlinear Mathematical Model in Torus Representation Explains the Elliptical Planetary Orbits and the Cycle of Precession of Our Sun

