Is there a Magnetic Field and a Vector Potential of the Electric Field


  • F. F. Mende


electrodynamics, maxwell's equation, ampere law, magnetic field, equation of induction magnetic vector potential


The beginning to electrodynamics assumed such put outting themselves of physics as amperes Faraday Veber Maxwell These scientists on the primitive research equipment established those laws which we use to the these rapids They were geniuses and they could examine in the dark of prejudices and superstition the top of that huge iceberg which the electrodynamics is But those contradictions and disagreement which occur in the electrodynamics and today they speak that not all problems are already solved In Maxwell s equations is not contained the information about power interaction of the current carrying systems but the Lorentz force which defines such an interaction it is introduced as hotel experimental postulate

How to Cite

F. F. Mende. (2018). Is there a Magnetic Field and a Vector Potential of the Electric Field. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, 18(A10), 49–56. Retrieved from

Is there a Magnetic Field and a Vector Potential of the Electric Field

