A Note on the Representation and Definition of Dual Split Semi-quaternions Algebra


  • Mehdi Jafari


dual split semi-quaternion, , subgroup


In this paper dual split semi-quaternions algebra ss is defined for the first time and some fundamental algebraic properties of its is studied The set of all unit dual split semi-quaternions is a subgroup of ss Fortheremore by De-Moivre s formula any powers of these quaternions are obtained

How to Cite

Mehdi Jafari. (2017). A Note on the Representation and Definition of Dual Split Semi-quaternions Algebra. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, 17(F8), 73–80. Retrieved from https://journalofscience.org/index.php/GJSFR/article/view/2131

A Note on the Representation and Definition of Dual Split Semi-quaternions Algebra

