The Cosmic Web, the Seed Of Galaxies- are Also Made of Warm Intergalactic Medium (WHIM) and Dark Energy?


  • Rupak Bhattacharya


large scale structure of universe; galaxies: clusters, cosmic webs WIMPs


Universe consisted of mysterious Dark energy 70 Dark matter 25 and that make up now 95 of matter in the universe which revel it self as gravity Enormous filaments and blobs of dark matter in early universe condensed as universe condensed Within the cosmic webs all galaxies stars planets were next created Galaxies are not dotted randomly throughout universe but are generally either concentrated in groups or in clusters which are connected again by multitude of filaments and voids These filamentary distributions of galaxies explained by vast quantities of dark matter enveloping galaxies and filamentary cold gas flowing within them responsible for star formation within them and the dark matter ISM is the dominant mass in the universe Galaxies over passing time clumped itself in a filamentary networks In the cosmic web hypothesis all spherical structures appeared probably first within filaments growing in between them followed by the great walls planar structures connecting the filaments of cosmic Web Massive filamentary structures observed at relatively small distances from us These filaments located about 6 7 billion light-years away from us and extends over at least 60 million light-years even Superclusters are also filamentary cluster cluster bridges Computerized numerical simulations shows balance between dark matter and dark energy determines both how universe expands and how regions of unusually high or low matter density evolved with time Most of baryons in the local universe are also missing in that they are not in galaxies or in the previously detected gaseous phases Rupak Bhattacharya and Pranab Bhattacharya here are authors suggest that these missing baryons are so predicted may be in a moderately hot phase 1E5 to 1E7 K largely in form of giant cosmic filaments that connect the denser virialized clusters and groups of galaxies These filaments can be detected through absorption lines they produce in the spectra of backg

How to Cite

Rupak Bhattacharya. (2017). The Cosmic Web, the Seed Of Galaxies- are Also Made of Warm Intergalactic Medium (WHIM) and Dark Energy?. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, 17(A1), 57–68. Retrieved from

The Cosmic Web, the Seed Of Galaxies- are Also Made of Warm Intergalactic Medium (WHIM) and Dark Energy?

