Physics and Philosophy of Wave Reference Framesin a Retrospective of 20-th Century Findings and Illusions


  • Allan Zade


aurora effect, comprehension horizon, inertial reference frame, relativity, SMA, wave reference frame


Physics of 20-th century based on the most famous theory named Relativity Postulates of that theory look fine for many decades until the power of measurement devices reach the critical level and they show many impossible data coming from them This paper gives answers on all questions of those impossible phenomena and their relationship with the underlying process of signal propagation in Wave Reference Frame

How to Cite

Allan Zade. (2016). Physics and Philosophy of Wave Reference Framesin a Retrospective of 20-th Century Findings and Illusions. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, 16(A6), 89–112. Retrieved from

Physics and Philosophy of Wave Reference Framesin a Retrospective of 20-th Century Findings and Illusions

