Genesis and Classification of Soils on a Toposequence Underlain by Mica Schist in Ife Area, Southwestern Nigeria.


  • Fawole, O. A


genesis, classification, toposequence, mica schist


The study was conducted to establish the morphological, physical and chemical properties of soils on a toposequence underlain by mica schist in Ife Area, identify the pedogenic processes that produced the soils and establish the taxonomic and fertility capability classes of the soils. The toposequence was delineated into five physiographic units and soil profile pits were established, described and sampled at each unit. The soil samples collected from each of the genetic horizon were subjected to routine analyses following the procedures in methods of soil analysis. Taxonomic and fertility capability classification of the soils were carried out. The colour and texture of the soils change in response to changes in slope position and drainage condition along the toposequence The soil’s colour ranged from reddish brown to dusky red (5YR 3/2- 2.5YR 3/2) in the surface and yellowish red (5YR 4/8) to reddish yellow (7.5YR 6/6) in the subsoil at the higher position of the toposequence while it range from dark brown (7.5YR 4/2) to dusky red (2.5YR 3/2) in the surface and red (2.5YR 4/ 6) to reddish yellow (7.5YR 6/6) in the subsoil at the lower position. Texturally, the soils varied from sandy clay loam in the surface to sandy clay in the subsoil all through the pedons sampled. The soils were moderately acidic to neutral (pH 5.2 – 6.7) at the surface and strongly acidic to moderately acidic (pH 4.4 - 5.7) in the subsurface. They were characterized by low exchangeable bases which were in the order Ca> Mg> K> Na irrespective of slope position with low to moderate organic matter content. The soils were classified as Typic Kanhaplustults and Aquic Haplustults (USDA soil taxonomy) Plinthic Luvisols, Gleyic Luvisols and Eutric Luvisols (FAO-UNESCO). The agronomic constraints of the soils were acidic reactions, low nutrient reserve and gleying, hence dominant FCC unit of soils in the study area was SC keh. The soils studied were highly-weathered, low in inherent fertility and

How to Cite

Fawole, O. A. (2016). Genesis and Classification of Soils on a Toposequence Underlain by Mica Schist in Ife Area, Southwestern Nigeria. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, 16(D7), 31–42. Retrieved from

Genesis and Classification of Soils on a Toposequence Underlain by Mica Schist in Ife Area, Southwestern Nigeria.

