Susceptibilityof States and Properties of Metallic Systemsat a Threshold Breakdown of the through Holes under Power Laser Action


  • Evgenii Kalashnikov


response, imaginary part of the generalized susceptibility, plasma frequency, frequency of electronion interaction, critical temperature of second ord


The threshold breakdown of the through holes by power laser radiation of metallic foils is considered as response of metallic system to laser radiation. Binding experimentally determined response to the absolute temperature scale allows one to determine the value of the imaginary part of the generalized susceptibility depending on temperature, the critical temperature of the transition "liquid metal - gas", states of the electronic subsystems at this temperature, and the reflectivity coefficient values.

How to Cite

Evgenii Kalashnikov. (2016). Susceptibilityof States and Properties of Metallic Systemsat a Threshold Breakdown of the through Holes under Power Laser Action. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, 16(B3), 21–29. Retrieved from

Susceptibilityof States and Properties of Metallic Systemsat a Threshold Breakdown of the through Holes under Power Laser Action

