Development of Depressed Trees of Black Pine Cultures in the Region of Sumadija. ( Serbia)


  • Severin Sikanja


black pine, culture, šumadija, soil


We analyzed all abiotic and phytocoenological and ecological factors, with special emphasis on edaphic and climatic conditions and the phytosociological factors, namely the ground flors as indicator of development and growth of black pine trees. The research was done in Šumadija in the area of Forest management of Kragujevac, covered mostly with the black pine. Thus, 5 permanent sample plots in the cultures of black pine raised: The study analyzed the culture of black pine of 3o, 4o, 55-60. years of age. After the comparison, dminant and oppressed trees in the cultures were done, with valuable new data. Depressed tree can become dominant., which is abig news of Forest Science, yet possible only with proper care measures.

How to Cite

Severin Sikanja. (2015). Development of Depressed Trees of Black Pine Cultures in the Region of Sumadija. ( Serbia). Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, 15(E4), 1–7. Retrieved from

Development of Depressed Trees of Black Pine Cultures in the Region of Sumadija. ( Serbia)

