The Origin of Maxwell`s-Gravity`s Displacement Current


  • Marcos Giorgallides


the origin of maxwell`s-gravity`s displacement current, the inner structure of gravity, the inner structure of moving particles, equilibrium of quant


Waves need a media to travel and carry energy. A standing wave is an oscillation pattern with a stationary outline (envelope) that results either from the superposition of two identical waves travelling opposite directions or from an inner equilibrium vibration. A given particle that is bound (confined ) in a certain region of space is a standing wave and vibrates within the constraints of the envelope function y = 2A.sin(kx).cos.(wt) . Light is both, a particle and a wave.[39]. Since quaternion, as work is constant then W = q = () = Force (P) acting on wavelength () = Normal stress acting on area A is, (.A)x, and for A = 0 then becomes the linear Momentum = vx (since Stationary energy becomes Kinetic) and W =v, .i.e. Work = Travelling Energy and because when converted into, velocity,v, in wavelength as background media, then this is the reason that doesn`t collapse by radiating away its or their energy.

How to Cite

Marcos Giorgallides. (2015). The Origin of Maxwell`s-Gravity`s Displacement Current. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, 15(A3), 51–86. Retrieved from

The Origin of Maxwell`s-Gravity`s Displacement Current

