Explanation of Dark Matter and Dark Energy Phenomena


  • Alexander A. Antonov


dark matter, dark energy, мultiverse, parallel universe, antiverse, imaginary numbers, special theory of relativity


It is demonstrated that ‘dark matter’ and ‘dark energy’ in our universe are definitely registered physical attributes testifying to the existence of other parallel universes that form the existent Multiverse. This real Multiverse is referred to as hidden, because other universes are not observable for the inhabitants of the parallel universes it includes. The structure of the hidden Multiverse complies with two principles: the principle of the physical reality of imaginary and complex numbers proved by the author and the similarity principle suggested by the author. The latter implies that the laws of nature governing all parallel universes are identical; however, certain differences are still possible. For instance, time flows in different directions with regard to the time in our universe.

How to Cite

Alexander A. Antonov. (2015). Explanation of Dark Matter and Dark Energy Phenomena. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, 15(A1), 33–38. Retrieved from https://journalofscience.org/index.php/GJSFR/article/view/1462

Explanation of Dark Matter and  Dark Energy Phenomena

