The Digital Space Structure,Superconductor, and Superstar


  • Ding-Yu Chung


space structure, quantum mechanics, force fields, superconductor, superstar, black hole, gravastar, GRB, collapsar, singularity


In the digital space structure, space is digitalized by 1 and 0 for attachment space and detachment space, respectively. A special force field (the short-range extreme force field) can be derived from the digital space structure to generate superconductor at extremely low temperature and superstar at extremely high density. Singularity-free superstar is a model for the collapse of large stars and for GRBs, and as an alternative to black hole. Attachment space allows object to attach to account for rest mass and reversible movement, while detachment space allows no object to attach to account for irreversible kinetic energy. The combination of attachment space and detachment space brings about the three structures: binary partition space, miscible space, orbinary lattice space. Binary partition space (1)n(0)n consists of separated continuous phases of attachment space and detachment space to account for quantum mechanics and extreme force field. In miscible space (1+0)n, attachment space is miscible to detachment space without separation to account for special relativity. Binary lattice space (1 0)n consists of repetitive units of alternative attachment space and detachment space to account for the ordinary force fields(gravitational, weak, electromagnetic, and strong). At extreme conditions, the ordinary force fields in binary lattice space are transformed into the short-range extreme force fields in binary partition space to avoid inactivation and singularity. The extreme force fields are manifested as the bonds among electrons in superconductor, as the bonds among atoms in superfluid, and as the bonds among all materials in superstar. When the stellar core of a large star reaches the critical extreme density during the stellar collapse, the star is transformed into a pre-superstar containing the super matter core with extreme force fields, the ordinary matter region with ordinary force fields, and the thin phase boundary between the super matter core and the ordin

How to Cite

Ding-Yu Chung. (2014). The Digital Space Structure,Superconductor, and Superstar. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, 14(A3), 1–8. Retrieved from

The Digital Space Structure,Superconductor, and Superstar

