Bianchi Type-VI0 Dark Energy Cosmological Models in General Relativity


  • Shri Ram

  • Shri Ram

  • S. Chandel


Bianchi type-VI Dark energy Cosmological models


Bianchi type-VI0 cosmological models of the universe filled with dark energy with constant and time-dependent equation of state parameters are investigated in general relativity We obtain exact solutions of Einstein s field equations using the condition that the shear scalar is proportional to the expansion scalar which represent singular and non-singular cosmological models of the universe The physical behavior of the models are discussed We conclude that the universe models do not approach isotropy through the evolution of the universe

How to Cite

Shri Ram, Shri Ram, & S. Chandel. (2012). Bianchi Type-VI0 Dark Energy Cosmological Models in General Relativity. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, 12(F12), 83–90. Retrieved from

Bianchi Type-VI0 Dark Energy Cosmological Models in General Relativity

