Herbaceas Ruderales Urbanas Con Potencial Tintoreo Sobre Fibra Lana Merino Urban Ruderal Herbaceous with Dyeing Potential on Merino Wool Fiber


  • Silvia Gonzalez

  • Amanda Cordero

  • Laura Castro

  • Mabel Segovia


merino wool, ruderal plants, adventitious plants, patagonia, dyeing potential, natural dyes, applied ecology, economic botany


The knowledge of the dyeing species of the Patagonian steppe and the incessant development of the dyeing textile artisanal activity, motivated us to investigate the dyeing potential on merino wool of the ruderal plants of the city. While they are disposable in public spaces and undesirable in private parks and gardens, they are an unlimited material resource for natural dyes. Material was collected from urban and periurban areas. Using the mother recipe, the dye was obtained and three etching treatments were developed. Hue, luminosity and saturation were studied. 19 species were processed, obtaining the colors with the highest saturation in the post-etching process. The outstanding species are Chenopodium album L. and Dysphania ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin

How to Cite

Silvia Gonzalez, Amanda Cordero, Laura Castro, & Mabel Segovia. (2021). Herbaceas Ruderales Urbanas Con Potencial Tintoreo Sobre Fibra Lana Merino Urban Ruderal Herbaceous with Dyeing Potential on Merino Wool Fiber. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, 21(D4), 1–13. Retrieved from https://journalofscience.org/index.php/GJSFR/article/view/2955

Herbaceas Ruderales Urbanas Con Potencial Tintoreo Sobre Fibra Lana Merino Urban Ruderal Herbaceous with Dyeing Potential on Merino Wool Fiber

