Charged Particle in a Flat Box with Static Electromagnetic Field and Landaus Levels


  • Gustavo Lopez Velazquez

  • Jorge A. Lizarraga


landau's levels, quantum hall effect


We study the quantization of the motion of a charged particle without spin inside a flat box under a static electromagnetic field. Contrary to Landau's solution with constant magnetic field transverse to the box, we found a non separable variables solution for the wave function, and this fact remains when static electric field is added. However, the Landau's Levels appear in all cases.

How to Cite

Gustavo Lopez Velazquez, & Jorge A. Lizarraga. (2020). Charged Particle in a Flat Box with Static Electromagnetic Field and Landaus Levels. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, 20(A9), 19–28. Retrieved from

Charged Particle in a Flat Box with Static Electromagnetic Field and Landaus Levels

