Remote Sensing Network in Tropical Zones for Lightning Monitoring


  • Horacio Torres

  • Daniel Aranguren


lightning in tropical zones, lightning remote sensing, spatial variations of lightning parameters


The aim of this letter is to introduce the Tropical Network of Remote Sensors (TRONSE), which is composed of Total Lightning Detection Systems - TLDS, electrostatic field sensors registered in Colombia as PreThor, and an information management system developed to monitor lightning activity in Tropical regions. These networks are part of the research work contributing to the analysis of magnitudes of the lightning parameters within the spatial concept and for applications in lightning protection in tropical areas. Several research results have shown the influence of latitude in the lightning phenomena and how the magnitude of lightning parameters is not necessarily valid in geographical zones all over the world. They are different in tropical latitudes to those in temperate ones.

How to Cite

Horacio Torres, & Daniel Aranguren. (2020). Remote Sensing Network in Tropical Zones for Lightning Monitoring. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, 20(A1), 7–18. Retrieved from

Remote Sensing Network in Tropical Zones for Lightning Monitoring

