Detection of blaTEM Resistance Gene in Bacteria Described as Nosocomial


  • Carlos Navarro


nosocomial infection, antimicrobial resistance, blaTEM gene


During the year 1928, Alexander Fleming discovers the penicillin, substance capable of avoiding bacterial growth. Nevertheless, a little time later, bacteria capable of resisting penicillin and new antimicrobials. The above mentioned, still provokes concern in the scientific community, especially in the area of the Public Health, because the indiscriminate use of antimicrobial, subduing, mistakes in the administration frequency and the consumption of small amounts of antimicrobials from food produced by supply animals, are some of the factors that have influenced the appearance of resistant strains, due to the increase in selection pressure on these bacterial populations. The bacterial aptitude to resist the action of antimicrobials is determined by genes present in the genome of the pathogen, which can be constitutive or skilfully incorporated using different mechanisms. Considering the described precedents, in this work, by conventional PCR a fragment of the blaTEM gene was detected in three resistant bacteria strains and sequenced, and it was high values of nucleotide identity respect to sequences of GenBank's database, which allowed to obtain three veterinary positive native controls for further investigations.

How to Cite

Carlos Navarro. (2018). Detection of blaTEM Resistance Gene in Bacteria Described as Nosocomial. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, 18(D7), 21–28. Retrieved from

Detection of blaTEM Resistance Gene in Bacteria Described as Nosocomial

