Unified Fractional Derivative Formulae for the Multivariable Aleph-Function


  • FY. AY. Ant


general class of multivariable polynomial, saigo-maeda operator, multivariable aleph-function, multivariable H-function, alephfunction, fractional der


The object of this paper is to derive three unified fractional derivatives formulae for the Saigo-Maeda operators of fractional integration. The first formula deals with the product of a general class of multivariable polynomials and the multivariable Aleph-function. The second concerns the multivariable polynomials and two multivariable Aleph-functions with the help of the Leibniz rule for fractional derivatives. The last relation also implies the product of a class of multivariable polynomials and the multivariable Aleph-function but it is obtained by the application of the first formula twice and it implicates two independents variables instead of one. The polynomials and the functions have their arguments of the type are quite general nature. These formulae, besides being on very general character have been put in a compact form avoiding the occurrence of infinite series and thus making them put in applications. Our findings provide unifications and extensions of some (known and new) results. We shall give several corollaries and particular cases.

How to Cite

FY. AY. Ant. (2018). Unified Fractional Derivative Formulae for the Multivariable Aleph-Function. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, 18(F3), 37–53. Retrieved from https://journalofscience.org/index.php/GJSFR/article/view/2240

Unified Fractional Derivative Formulae for the Multivariable Aleph-Function

