Night Time Pulses of Ground Energy Associated with a Celestial Source; A Comparison of Observations from Italy and Canada


  • John F. Caddy


tinnitus, sky energy impacts, phenomenon emanating


A phenomenon emanating from surface and ground water before dawn was investigated in Italy and Canada. During this phenomenon, rooms adjacent to water sources were filled with pulsed clouds of green particles which were identified as ground energy by persons sensitive to qi phenomena. Individual pulses lasted approximately 30 minutes and were repeated several times nightly. Their relative timing appeared to be part of a 24-hr cycle of sky and ground energies which was consistent between nights, and particularly strong in spring and early summer. We hypothesize that sky energy impacts Earth as radiation from the centre of the Milky Way, and is either converted into ground energy, or displaces ground energy from subsurface geoflora above the surface of the ground. One strong nightly pulse of tinnitus was provisionally identified with a cosmic source, due to its occurrence 4 minutes earlier on successive nights.

How to Cite

John F. Caddy. (2015). Night Time Pulses of Ground Energy Associated with a Celestial Source; A Comparison of Observations from Italy and Canada. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, 15(H5), 19–28. Retrieved from

Night Time Pulses of Ground Energy Associated with a Celestial Source; A Comparison of Observations from Italy and Canada

