Bi-directional EPR Correlation in Cosmology and Planckeon Origin of Dark Energy


  • Noboru Hokkyo


quantum theory, relativity, causality, locality, correlation, cosmology, dark energy


A quantum paradox of nonlocal Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlation between counterpropagating pair of polarization-entangled photons emitted from a common source S and detected at points P and Q is solved outside the EPR's reality criterion of local causality but within the framework of time-symmetric quantum electrodynamics allowing the bi-directional signal transmission PQ on the double-light cone where the future and the past cones. share common light paths connecting the photon source S and the detection points P and Q. A cosmlogical implication of the bi-directional signal transmission PQ without common source S in cosmology and possible Planckeon orgin of dark energy in the upper hemisphere of semiclosed Friedman uiverse, joined on to an asymptotically flat outer space, are also discussed.

How to Cite

Noboru Hokkyo. (2015). Bi-directional EPR Correlation in Cosmology and Planckeon Origin of Dark Energy. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, 15(A4), 5–8. Retrieved from

Bi-directional EPR Correlation in Cosmology and Planckeon Origin of Dark Energy

