Why Tidal Effects are Local and What it Means for Physics


  • Robert Spoljaric


The Light, Equivalence Identity, tidal effects, mass, laws of physics


The basis of relativistic dynamics is rendered consistent with the Planck-Einstein relations in a novel concept termed the Light. What the Light shows is that what is thought of as the rest mass of a particle of matter is in fact frequency. In turn the Light inevitably leads us to the Equivalence Identity and the conclusion that (a) the Newtonian concept of mass does not exist, and (b) tidal effects are local. Even though this was shown in [2] it was not emphasized and articulated to the extent that it perhaps should have been, and based upon some comments by Dunning-Davies [1] we shall give a detailed justification of the Light, and both (a) and (b). Both the Light and Equivalence Identity are the necessary foundations for a new paradigm of physics. The significance of this for Newtonian mechanics, Maxwell’s equations, special relativity, general relativity, and quantum mechanics will be discussed.

How to Cite

Robert Spoljaric. (2014). Why Tidal Effects are Local and What it Means for Physics. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, 14(A7), 13–16. Retrieved from https://journalofscience.org/index.php/GJSFR/article/view/1317

Why Tidal Effects are Local and What it Means for Physics

