Assessment of Morphological Diversity in Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Core Collection: Insights for Germplasm Conservation and Breeding in Togo


  • Gmakouba Tighankoumi

  • Dzidzienyo K. Daniel

  • Some Koussao

  • Tongoona Pangirayi

  • Asante I. Kwame



phenotypic variability, core collection, qualitative trait, germplasm conservation, breeding programs, cassava, togo


Objectives Assessing genetic diversity within crop germplasm is essential for effective breeding programs This study aimed to assess morphological diversity within Togo s cassava germplasm to guide conservation and breeding efforts Materials and methods The one hundred fourty nine 149 cultivars phenotyped were collected across the country and planted in an augmented block design with five improved and released varieties used as checks In total thirty two 32 qualitative traits were collected based on the cassava crop ontologie Multivariate analyses of the data collected were run descriptive analysis Multiple Correspondance Analysis and Cluster Analysis using SAS 9 4 and XLSTAT software Results and implications Overall high morphological diversity was observed among the cultivars for all the traits evaluated The most diverse traits included petiole color leaf color leaf vein color flowering and seed set abilities branching levels end branch color stem epidermis color lobe margins and growth habit of stem Seven morphotypes with interesting features were identified through cluster analysis Morphotype 1 is made of unflowering and unbranching cultivars with greenish-red petioles Morphotype 2 is composed of varieties exhibiting purple petioles three levels of branching dichotomous branching habit good flowering and seed set ability Morphotype 3 made of only one cultivar was considered as outlier


How to Cite

Gmakouba Tighankoumi, Dzidzienyo K. Daniel, Some Koussao, Tongoona Pangirayi, & Asante I. Kwame. (2024). Assessment of Morphological Diversity in Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Core Collection: Insights for Germplasm Conservation and Breeding in Togo. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, 24(C1), 9–25.

Assessment of Morphological Diversity in Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Core Collection: Insights for Germplasm Conservation and Breeding in Togo

