A Classical Interpretation of the Universe Extrapolated from the Fine Structure Constant (α)


  • John R Crary




fine structure constant, quantum, matter, dark matter, dark energy, electromagnetic,


The Fine Structure Constant FSC model of the universe is a conceptual perspective based on a classical method for analyzing the Fine Structure Constant A Python algorithm calculates prime number property sets where the sum of the elements equals the whole number values for equal to 137 and139 A hybrid coupling of these property sets produces a U 137 139 twin prime metaverse where 137 036 an almost exact match to the observed value The FSC Model projects that the Fractional Coupling Constant 137 0 036 is a more accurate measure of its relative electromagnetic EM strength This same calculation is used to determine the Fractional Coupling Constants m for the twin prime metaverses U 2 3 U 3 5 U 5 7 through U 197 199 to estimate their respective electromagnetic forces The results suggest that this model mirrors our observable universe and offers an abstract landscape into the quantum nature of electromagnetic forces including Baryonic Matter Dark Matter Dark Energy and a possible variable speed of light

How to Cite

John R Crary. (2024). A Classical Interpretation of the Universe Extrapolated from the Fine Structure Constant (α). Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, 24(A1), 31–34. https://doi.org/10.34257/GJSFRAVOL24IS1PG31

A Classical Interpretation of the Universe Extrapolated from the Fine Structure Constant (α)

