Some Dust Cosmological Models with Time Dependent I(t) in Creation Field Cosmology


  • H. R. Ghate

  • Sanjay A. Salve


Creation-field cosmology, Cosmological constant Λ(t)


We have studied the Hoyle-Narlikar’s Creation-field cosmology for LRS Bianchi type-II, LRS Bianchi type-VI0, Plane Symmetric and Kantowski-Sachs universes with time dependent cosmological constant Λ(t) , when the universe is filled with dust distribution. To get deterministic model of the universe, a relation between shear (σ ) and expansion (θ ) is assumed. The physical aspects of the models are also discussed.

How to Cite

H. R. Ghate, & Sanjay A. Salve. (2015). Some Dust Cosmological Models with Time Dependent I(t) in Creation Field Cosmology. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, 15(A1), 21–31. Retrieved from

Some Dust Cosmological Models with Time Dependent I(t) in Creation Field Cosmology

