Predictive Values of Motor Dimensions in Motor Space


  • Miroslav Dodig


factor analysis, motor dimensions, prediction, motor space


The research was carried out on a sample of 256 subjects, 15 year old males, obtained from high school student population; a battery of 35 motor tests was used. In the aim of determining the latent structure manifesting motor space the method of main components was applied and thus the factor scores were define Hotelling, H. (1933). For the purpose of determining the relations between the predictive (the motor dimension space) variables and the criteria-based variable (the entire motor space) the coefficient of regression in a latent space was calculated. Through inspection of the results of regressive coefficients it is concluded that the cohesion between systems of predictors and criteria is mainly heterogeneous. The best projections and thus predictive values include: the repetitive strength factor (RF), the velocity factor (VF), the static strength factor (SF), and the explosive strength factor (EF). It is evident that all these factors belong to reactions that are mostly dependent on the process of regulating excitations that represent the existence of the first factor, that is, the general factor of excitation control. Poorer predictive abilities in terms of motor space have the preciseness factor (PF), the flexibility factor (FF), and the coordination (CF), while the balance factor (BaF) is attributed to the weakest predictive ability. Considering the obtained results, a necessity for applying contemporary methods of research within the scope of motor space is displayed. This requires a new, more contemporary way of researching motor space.

How to Cite

Miroslav Dodig. (2014). Predictive Values of Motor Dimensions in Motor Space. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, 14(E2), 33–40. Retrieved from

Predictive Values of Motor Dimensions in Motor Space

